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Destination: Uzbekistan
Last updated: 30 Nov 2022

Health and Medical care

Medical care

There is a number of clinics which specialize in dealing with foreigners in Tashkent. They provide a full range of medical services, from dental care to medical evacuation. Their charges may be fairly high but they have English-speaking doctors and can deal competently with emergencies.

For those in need of immediate attention, Casualty Departments of ordinary clinics and hospitals can be used. You may need assistance of your guide or someone from your hotel to help with doctors, particularly, in Uzbek provinces where few doctors speak foreign languages.

If you are taken to a local hospital and need further treatment, it is advisable to contact either your Embassy/consulate or one of the above medical centers. They can arrange to have you transported or they can oversee your treatment in the hospital.


The once-underdeveloped market of medicines and medical appliances have seen tremendous growth in the recent years, especially in Tashkent, and now a great variety of medicines, both foreign and locally made is available in pharmacies (DORIXONA).

Usually medicines are provided with instructions in Uzbek and in the original language of the manufacturer. Almost all medications, except for strong tranquillizers and drug containing substances, can be bought over the counter, so prescriptions are not necessary.

Staff of pharmacies are trained professionals, so they can advise alternative drugs. In case you have very specific requirements, such as insulin, you should bring a sufficient supply for your stay.

Health Precautions

In Uzbekistan hepatitis is endemic, so inoculation is advisable before visiting the country. Also, it is strongly recommended to wash hands before any meals.

Uzbekistan is now a busy economic and political center of Asia, and the general precautions against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases must be taken.


(???) Fire () 01
Police () 02
Ambulance () 03
(calls free from city pay phones)
Medical services (Tashkent)
International Clinic
700012, 6, Minglar Str.
tel: +998-71-1206092, 1206093
700096, 2, Peoples’ Friendship (Khalklar Dustligi) Ave.
tel: +998-71-774810, 774876, 774421
110/3, Botkin Str.
tel: +998-71-1697985, 080

Public Toilets

Many cafes and bars have no toilet facilities and in general the rather unhygienic public toilets are best avoided. It would be much better to go to the nearest hotel, or, if there is no alternative, to use pay toilets.

It should be noted that toilet facilities are scarce even in Tashkent, not to mention provincial capitals or the areas along the motorways. In this context, the WC facilities in on-the-way choy-khonas (tea cafes) and petrol stations should be used. Or, if you drive in a coach and totally lack an alternative, you may use what the locals call five-star toilets, i.e. bushes along the road.

Medical insurance is essential as local health care facilities are poorly complying with Western standards, and English-speaking service (International Clinic in Tashkent) or medical evacuation are quite expensive.

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